Thursday, October 21st
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM: Welcoming and Opening Plenary Session - Rackham Ampitheatre
- Welcoming to participants by Professor Nadine Hubbs
- Opening roundtable "Doing Queer Studies Now... And Then"
- Featuring: Ross Chambers, David Halperin, Esther Newton, Gayle Rubin, and Valerie Traub
- Discussion moderated by: Genevieve Creedon (Comparative Literature, U. of Michigan) & Greg Storms (Anthropology, U. of Michigan)
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM: Reception - Rackham Assembly Hall
Friday, October 22nd
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM: Registration and Light Refreshment
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Concurrent Panel Session #1
A. Lesbian History & Politics - East Conference Room
- Chelsea Del Rio (History, U. of Michigan): “Lesbian Feminist Vanguardism: The Political Identity of Lesbian History”
- Michael Connors Jackman (Social Anthropology, York, Toronto, Canada): “The Gender of Liberation and Morality”
- Cookie Woolner (History and Women’s studies, U. of Michigan): “The Queer World of the Blues Women and the Turn Beyond Lesbian History”
Respondent: Prof. Esther Newton, Women's Studies & American Culture
B. Difficult Desire - West Conference Room
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Lunch on Your Own
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Concurrent Panel Session #2
A. Queer Spaces - West Conference Room
- Olivier Vallerand (Cultural Mediations & Technology, McGill, Montréal, Canada): “Can A Gay Bar Be Queer? Queer Space Theory & Gay-Oriented Architecture”
- Evren Savci (Sociology, U. of Southern California): “Bigudi: An Alternative Belonging”
- Rebecka Sheffield (The Bonham Center for Sexual Diversity Studies-U. of Toronto, Canada): “To Begin in the Archives: Positioning Queer Archives as Tactics of Pleasure”
Respondent: Prof. Magdalena Zabrowska, American Culture & The Center for Afroamerican and African Studies
B. Queers and Legislation - East Conference Room
- Thibaut Raboin (French, U-C London, UK): “Can You Prove You Are A Homosexual?” - The Subjectivation of LGBT Asylum-Seekers in the UK”
- Tyler Adams (Geography, Ohio State): “Appropriating Homophobia: Fundamentalist Politics and Nation-Building in Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Bill”
- Logan Casey, Patrick O’Mahen & Marie Puccio (Political Science, U. of Michigan): “The Effect of Gender Proportions in State Legislatures on the Passage of Marriage Equality Provisions”
Respodent: Alysha Rooks, Law School
C. Media / Communication - Earl Lewis Room
3:15 PM - 5:15 PM: Moderated Discussions (** Must register to recieve password for texts -- see here **)
A. Heather Love (English, U. of Penn.), "Close But Not Deep: Ethics and the Descriptive Turn" - East Conference Room
B. Paul Amar (Global Studies, Feminist Studies & Sociology, UC-Santa Barbara), "Cairo’s Natasha Wars and Harasser Invasions: Theorizing the Security State by Mapping the Securitization of Urban Sexualities"- West Conference Room
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM: Concurrent Panel Session #3
A. Sex and Social Structures - East Conference Room
- Prof. Adam Green (Sociology, U. of Toronto, Canada): “Sexual Social Structure and the Sexual Fields Framework”
- Trevor Hoppe (Sociology, Women's Studies, & Public Health, U. of Michigan): “Public Health, Surveillance and Criminalized Sex in the Era of HIV”
- Étienne Meunier (Sociology, Rutgers): “Barebacking and the Culture of Public Sex: Ethnography of a New York City Sex Party"
Respondent: Prof. David Caron, Romance Languages and Literatures & Women's Studies
B. Violence - West Conference Room
Saturday, October 23rd
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM: Registration and Light Refreshments
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Concurrent Panel Session #4
A. Security and Neoliberalism - East Conference Room
- Tal Arbel (History of Science, Harvard): “ ‘Love without Borders:’ Pride and Security in the Holy City”
- Brian Whitener (Romance Languages and Literatures, U. of Michigan): “Libidinal Economics: Rethinking Capitalism and Desire”
- Prof. Paul Amar (Global and International Studies, Sociology & Women’s Studies, UC-Santa Barbara): “The Security Archipelago: ‘Human Security’ States, Sexuality Politics, and the End of Neoliberalism”
Respondent: Dr. Sridevi Nair, English & Women's Studies
B. Queer Genres - West Conference Room
- Steven Ruszczycky (English, University at Buffalo, SUNY): “Real Things: William Carney and the Political Pedagogy of the Leather Novel”
- Wesley Wollet (lgbt/Queer Studies & Media Studies, Gallatin School, nyu): “Mapping Desires: Bodies, Sex, Acts and Narrative in Transsexual Male Porn”
- Matthew Annis (Draper Program, nyu): “Quentin Crisp and the Queering of Gay Male Autobiography”
Respodent: Prof. Patricia Yaeger, English & Women's Studies
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Lunch On Your Own
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Concurrent Panel Session #5
A. Queer New Media Studies - East Conference Room
- Diego Costa (Cinematic Arts, U. of Southern California): “Becoming Modular: The (Re-)Assembled Queer 'Male' Body and Its Digitally-Enabled Sexual Economy”
- Shannon Weber (Feminist Studies, UC-Santa Barbara): “The Revolution Will Be Uploaded: The Role of New Media in Contentious LGBTQ Politics After Proposition 8”
- Diepiriye Sungumote Kuky (Sociology, Delhi U., Delhi, India): “Hitching, Hunting and Hooking Online: A Delhi-Based Ethnography of the Virtually Gay Avatar, And The Production of Digital Gay Erotica”
Respondent: Greg Storms, Anthropology
B. Global Queer Identities and Communities - West Conference Room
- Howard Chiang (History of Science, Princeton): “Sinophone Production and Trans Post-Coloniality”
- Ryan M. Jones (History, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, U. of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign): “Queering Mexican History: Politics, Activism, and the Mexican Homosexual Liberation Movement, 1960-1985”
- Kyohei Ikatura (Sexuality Studies, San Francisco State): “Fetishizing Whiteness: Orientalism, Japanese Gay Movement, and Sexual Liberation”
Respondent: Prof. David Halperin, English, Comparative Literature, Classical Studies, & Women's Studies
C. Queer Performances and Spectatorship - Earl Lewis Room
3:15 PM - 5:15 PM: Moderated Discussions (** Must register to recieve password for texts -- see here **)
A. Joon Lee (English, Rhode Island School of Design), "The Joy of the Castrated Boy" - East Conference Room
B. Adam Green (Sociology, U. of Toronto), "Queer Theory and Sociology: Locating the Subject and Self in Sexuality Studies" - West Conference Room
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM: Concurrent Panel Session #6
A. Past, Present and Future - East Conference Room
- Dr. Matt Cook (History & Gender Studies, Birbeck College-U. of London, UK): “At Home with Shannon and Ricketts”
- Dominic Wetzel (Sociology, cuny): “Queer Histories: Queer Religions, Queer Secularisms, Queer Utopias”
- Prof. Heather Love (English, U. of Pennsylvania): “Queer + 1: Stigma and the Politics of the Outside”
Respondent: Prof. Victor Mendoza, English & Women's Studies
B. Practices of Resistance - West Conference Room
- Anand Kalra (School of Information, U. of Michigan): “Audre Lorde Was a Librarian: Healing Oppression with Information Literacy, Part 1”
- Laurica Brown (Sociology, UC-Santa Barbara): “Incite to Rhyme: Lesbian Hip Hop Artists in the San Francisco/Bay Area”
- Mair W. Culbreth (Dance Studies, Ohio State): “Queering Tango: Re-Imagining Desire, Power and Artistic Innovation in Dance”
Respondent: Prof. Lori Brooks, American Culture & The Center for Afroamerican and African Studies
8:00 PM - Late: Party at AUT Bar with DJ Gayle Rubin, Spinning from the Archives of Danceology